A couple quick ones! More coming soon!

More coming soon! Very soon!

Anoush’s Antics

Okay, so ‘antic’ might be a little strong, since I’m not wishing to imply that our little girl is misbehaving, but I’m a sucker for alliteration.  As you can imagine, Anoush is changing and growing so rapidly that it makes our heads spin.  Before leaving Bristol, I took her to the baby clinic and she weighed 9lb 8oz.  She is now smiling a lot in response to friendly faces and I think will begin to giggle soon.  Developing her hand-eye coordination, she sits in her red bouncy chair and reaches out for the toys that dangle in front of her.  She’s also discovered the joy of putting her fists in her mouth (yes, she tries to get them both in at the same time), but is simultaneously learning how to gag herself!  Trial and error at its best.

She was fantastic on the trip to Armenia, sleeping during most of the flight time.  Arrival at the airport gave her a bit of a scare when we came out from customs into the swarm of Armenians waiting for their relatives and offering us taxis.  All the noises and people put her into a panic and she cried until we were on the road.

Here in Gavar, she is learning the joy of being passed around, bounced about and cooed to by dozens of Armenian women. 

The first days were trying, but she’s becoming accustomed to it now.  When we return to Bristol, I’m sure she’ll be bored with only Jason and I around the apartment to entertain her.

She continues to sleep really well, waking no more than once in the night, and takes a long nap every morning after she’s been changed and fed.  I’m also learning how to work within her schedule and take advantage of small chunks of time throughout the day.

So far on this trip, she’s had her first car ride (no, there was no carseat), first airplane ride, attended a wedding ceremony, went to a barbeque, participated in Mommy’s Peace Corps workshop, travelled to more Armenian cities than many Armenians ever visit, and been spoken to in three languages.  I find it amusing that in Anoush’s brief life (including her in-utero development) she’s been to six countries (America, Ireland, England, France, Germany and Armenia), an accomplishment I never achieved until I was 25 years old.  Given our inclination for adventure, I’m sure she’ll visit quite a few more (in fact we have a trip planned to Scotland in September), and hopefully will learn to appreciate other cultures and the diversity in the world.

NOTE: You can click the first image below and it will bring up the full size picture.  From there, you can click the “next” link to quickly go through the pictures or you can click the slide show link for a slide show view of the pictures.

Anoush Weeks 6-11


Our Little Girl Smiles for the Camera!

Anoush is changing so quickly. She has her mother’s beautiful blue eyes and she already has adopted Terra’s sunny disposition. In the morning, Terra takes the time to talk to Anoush. It is amazing how at 10 weeks she is exhibiting her own little personality. Hope you enjoy the video as much as I do!

Time in Parent Mode

Here is an entry I wrote in Week 1 of Anoush’s life with us, but never posted.  Though you might enjoy reading it and the update below.

Nobody warned me that parents have a different time dimension than the rest of the world.  Anoush has been here a week already, and I honestly don’t know where the days went!  We enjoyed watching the clock yesterday, saying things like “this time last week my water broke” and “by now, she was already here!”

This has likely been the fastest week of my life.  Couple this with what one woman called “placenta brain” (that scatter-brain state of new mothers) and I literally find myself walking in circles because I’ve forgotten what I was doing…constantly distracted by all the baby stuff scattered around our apartment that needs to be put back in place.

This new concept of time is intimidating for someone who has two assignments and a book review to write and a dissertation to tackle by September 15!  I find myself wondering if I will make it.  I believe, however, that as we become accustomed to having Anoush in our lives that we’ll somehow manage to find a rhythm and schedule that will help us return to some state of normalcy.  If I’m wrong, don’t tell me because it’ll make me panic!

Any tips or reassurances?

Thankfully, since then things have gotten easier.  I’m dealing better with all the baby items, now that they all have a proper ‘place’ in the apartment.  Having Mom and Dad here for a week was a great help, and now Jason’s classes are finished, so he’s here most of the time.  Having an extra set of hands and arms in the house is tremendously helpful!

Anoush is doing very well.  She’s gaining weight and up to 7 pounds 5 oz at her last weigh-in, which was a week ago.  She had a check-up at the hospital for her prolonged jaundice which has since cleared up and the Dr. is happy with her current state.  We go for our six week check-ups on Friday and I will also take her to the hospital the same day for an ultrasound of her hips.  This is common procedure for breech babies.  The paediatrician checked her out already and is confident she has no problems, but according to protocol had to refer her for the ultrasound check.  She is spending long periods of time awake now, just gazing around.  She loves staring out the windows and is drawn to sources of light.  She’s managing to get her fists and thumbs into her mouth from time to time (no pacifier yet).

I’m also doing quite well and feeling more like myself each week.  Today I will finish the second of three term papers.  I’ve taken Anoush to the university a few times for meetings and presentations and she’s done fantastically well.  As long as she’s in the sling or being held by someone, she’s a happy little girl!

I received news last week that my proposal to present a paper at the annual conference of BAICE (British Association of International and Comparative Education) has been accepted.  I will travel to Glasgow, Scotland in early September to present at the conference, and as one of the few student presenters, will be eligible for a cash prize.  This should be a very good networking opportunity for me and will help me get my name ‘out there’ in the field of international and comparative education.  Wish me luck!

As Jason mentioned, our postings may be fewer in the coming weeks.  We both have a lot of work to accomplish for university.  Please keep the comments and emails coming…just know that we may be very slow in replying.  Please don’t be offended or think we’ve forgotten about you.  Thanks, as always for your support!

Picture Updates

Due to popular demand, here are a few pictures of Anoush and the time we spent with Terri and Brian.

Terri and Brian Visit

Week 4 – Images of Anoush


Week 5 – Images of Anoush


So Much for Citizenship

It appears that Anoush is not entitled to dual citizenship due to a law change in the mid-80’s.  Found here, the law has a caveat that says the parents must be residents.  Of course, our student visas have us placed in a grey area.  I must admit, I was hoping she would have dual citizenship especially for future educational opportunities.

This new information does make me appreciate American laws even more.  Come to find out, most countries in the world do not grant citizenship at birth on their sovereign soil.  Some countries mandate a religion and/or ethnicity in order to be eligible for citizenship.  Of course, the developed countries offer humanitarian visas and avenues to citizenship which is to be commended.

Regardless of citizenship, the future is bright for Anoush as she has lots of choices available to her.

Week 1 Highlights

It’s been an incredibly fast week – the speed of which I’ll write more about later in a few days. Here are some of the things that I’ll cherish and remember about the first week with Anoush in our lives:

  • Hearing from so many friends and family
  • Feeling very loved
  • Learning to type one-handed
  • Baby hiccups
  • Being amazed at the capacity of the human body
  • Smothering myself in lanolin (you new moms can relate)
  • Moments of hormone-induced insanity – can you say Dr Jekyll and Mommy Hyde?
  • First baby bath at home
  • Getting accustomed to the baby sling/carrier
  • Switching from disposable to cloth diapers
  • So much laundry!
  • Endless humming and singing to Anoush
  • Looking one more time before crossing the road
  • Being ridiculously excited to finally have a dirty diaper
  • Listening to Jason console me about the fact that what I’m feeling (in the midst of my rollercoaster) is normal
  • Being amazed and humbled by his patience, nurturing and support

Click here to enjoy some more pictures of Anoush’s first week.

Pictures of Anoush’s First Few Days

Here are some pictures of Anoush’s first few days. She is changing so quickly, it’s amazing to us!

Preparations for MTV

People have been asking to see pictures of Anoush with her eyes open. We did one better with a music video. Music credit to The Be Good Tanyas singing “The Littlest Birds”. I thought this video was a fun way of showing you Anoush searching for her hands.