
This was the online journal of Tera and Jason Sprague from 2007 to 2011. It has been archived. Please enjoy.

Imbeciles create energy policy!

Warning: Political rant – feel free to express yourself in the comments

Yes, energy is expensive at the moment. The average American is hurting as they are having less disposable income due to increase energy cost. However, energy cost is due to a whole host of reasons none of which are due to lack of capacity of oil drilling sites.

This group of Congressmen and associated lobbyists advocate drilling anywhere there is oil.  How idiotic is that?  The drilling argument is so ramshackle that they do not even try to offer alternative solutions.  If your congressman supports this group, I highly recommend you write him/her to tell them drilling is not the answer.

I will not labour and debate the simple things that can be done to reduce our reliance on gasoline.  I do know that drilling anywhere is irresponsible as much of the oil that remains in the United States is in environmentally sensitive areas.  I value a healthy, clean and diverse environment over $2.50 a gallon gas.  If people think by drilling more gas prices will come down then they are sadly mistaken.  The biggest objection I have about drilling is that with the current cost of oil products, innovation has picked up, and soon you will see demand drop as new technology (electric cars, hybrids, mass transit, etc) will reduce the need for oil.  Should they allow drilling right now, it will take years before the new capacity comes online and it still does not address America’s major problem of lack of refining capacity.  What these stupid rich white men will create is new oil wells in environmentally sensitive areas that once activated will see a completely different market demand than currently exists.  In short, it is incredibly short sighted and driven by factors outside the desire to help the average American.  This is a boldface attempt by the richest companies in the world to pad their bottomline and use a short term difficulty for unethical gain.  Some days I really loathe American politics.

Please take a minute to think beyond the next six months and write your representatives to express your objection to such short sightedness.  Should you wish to discuss energy policy or know more about why this policy is short sighted, do leave a comment for email me.

Do You Trust Your Hard Drive?

Your hard drive will crash

My classmate, Stuart, had his Mac Book (his personal laptop), die a very quick death. His hard drive “crashed” meaning the computer could no longer communicate with it. This will impact me as he had files and information for our Management Consultancy project as we are group mates. I feel bad for him because he lost all 3 of his papers and he was almost finished. He will have to do a full semesters work in about 10 days to hit our looming deadlines.

This is not a major problem other than the fact he did not back up his data! My dear friends and family, if you have any information on your computer you cannot live without and there is only one copy of said material, I beg of you to buy a packet of CDs or an external hard drive and back up your information.

How to back up

Before you get to alarmed, you need to answer the question, “Do I have information I cannot replace on my computer?” If the answer is no, you have no problems. If you are worried about your emails, you only have to worry if you download them to your computer using Outlook or a similar email program. If you use AOL or another email service, generally, you will have no problems. This only pertains to information on your computer (aka your hard drive).

Backing up your information is very simple. There are numerous methods to do it. Here are a few articles which I recommend you look at.

  • Windows XP Backup Made Easy – This is old information but a good place to start.
  • Back up to Email – If you have a large email account or want to create one at, then you can use this to back up your files. I do not recommend this for financial data.
  • This is how we back up – This is a bit complex but I do not trust anyone with my data and I do not trust my computer not to break. All our important information is digitized and we run weekly (if not daily) back ups to push the information to external hard drives. From time to time, I encrypt the information and place it on space I rent on a computer in Michigan.
  • For just a little bit of information (under 5 Gigs) – I would use Mozy. If you have $50 a year and want the peace of mind, especially for your financial data, I would recommend you give Mozy a try.

If you have questions and are interested in setting up a backup system, send me an email and I can point you in the right direction. I cannot impress upon you enough the importance of taking care of your data. Your hard drive will fail, it is only a matter of time until it goes.

Enough procrastinating on my part, back to preparation for my strategy exam!

Future Complexity

The following is a video that I found while writing my “Management in a Complex World” paper. The paper is about the complexity a manager faces when trying to build a relationship with his customers as customers today have more power than ever with the rise of the internet. This video is meant to be comical but does touch on some large issues facing our society in the next 20 years. While I am not a proponent of social networking due to limited time, fears of privacy and issue of control, it will be interesting how technology will change our every day life sooner than we would like to think.

Note: You need a broadband connection to watch this video. If you are on dial-up, apologies.

Stories of Happiness and Encouragement


Recently, I have been enjoying the website of a good friend of mine from Indianapolis, Mary Woolling, who is a freelance writer and public relations coordinator. Mary and I met while I was working at Second Presbyterian Church in Indy by working on a project together. We fostered a beautiful friendship that, thanks to the benefits of the internet, we have been able to maintain while I’ve been tromping around the globe these past few years.

Mary just celebrated the one year anniversary of her website, titled “Communi-cate” where she posts her own essays of happiness and encouragement. I’d like to share her gift of writing with you, and I hope you’ll visit her website here. Go to the home page, then select from the available posts to read, or click on the “Commini-que” tab to visit the essays section of her website. It’s a great way to start the day!

Thanks, Mary, and keep the stories heading our way!

Stuff and Life

Why am I doing an MBA? That is a question I am challenged with on a daily basis as I wade through the journal articles, chapters on marketing, material on how to turn unhappy employees into attentive team members and so on so forth. I figured the MBA would turn me back to my previous thoughts which would be considered conservative by today’s definition. However, I find myself becoming increasingly unhappy with the models of today’s world. I find myself struggling with the idea of marketing a product not because it will make the world better and help someone but because it will return value to shareholders.

Our good friends, Brett and Laura Holt, have shared with us a website which plays a short film that has struck a chord with Terra and I. I would highly recommend you visit the website: The Short Story of Stuff. Watch the video and think about the ways you can change your lifestyle with just a bit of planning and forethought.

For some time now, Terra and I have said, “We rather have experiences over possessions.” Fifteen years ago, I aspired to have stuff. Now, I aspire to have a life rich in experience and a lifestyle that allows me the ability to spend time with my family and help others. To avoid poor economic choices, we have looked hard at our consumption both as a function of budgeting and as a function of being a good global citizen. Did you know that in the US and UK that the average family throws away 50% of their monthly food purchases? Much of which is unopened and could still be used. The examples of waste are astounding and it truly is having a devastating effects on our world.

As the Holiday Season approaches, I would kindly ask that you think about your purchases very carefully. Your act of purchasing tells the establishment so many things. Do not buy something because you feel obligated. Be creative and look for ways to create an experience especially for those people who have everything. How does a new plastic gadget really improve life?

By the way, for my MBA program, I have already been reading some of the articles from the 1950’s that this woman in the film speaks of. Our definition of life really has become based on consumption. Regardless of your views, I implore you to watch this short film. It is only 20 minutes of your life and may start you thinking about how you too can be a better global citizen.

Feel free to post ideas below for others about ways to be less consumption oriented if you have already thought about how to change your lifestyle.

Pictures of our flat

We now have a working photo album as part of this website, which you can access at the very top of this page. There is a tab labeled ‘photos’. Click there, and you will find a small album containing 5 pictures of our flat (that’s apartment for you American-English speakers). Enjoy!

How do I know when there is a new post?

If you are like me, you do not have time to chase information. You are interested in keeping up with your friends and family by reading their blogs (aka website) but you hate having to visit every week to see if there is new information.  In light of this problem, I have ensured two ways for you to keep up with Books n’ Baby in Bristol without having to remember to visit the site.

The first is RSS (real simple syndication) assures that you can use Google Reader, Sage, My Yahoo or some other type of RSS Feed aggregator. supports all types of RSS.  If you do not read more than 10 websites a week, then this is probably not worth your time to use RSS.  However, if you are like me and you are trying to keep up with information coming from over 150 sources on a weekly basis, RSS is a huge time saver. I have even started doing research via RSS as there are websites that run daily searches for you based on your criteria and then return it to you in readable chunks! It beats going to the library and finding a paper book and photocopying it. It is truly amazing how the internet has revolutionized accessing and using information.

If you use email a few times a week, but are not a heavy web user, then there is the registration which will allow you to sign up for emails telling you of new articles on If you were subscribed to our previous website, Armenian Adventure, then I have taken the liberty to register you for emails. So, if you are receiving this article in your email, then there is nothing for you to do.  To register, simply click the register link Meta section of the menu or the highlighted link in this post.

As always, I highly recommend using Mozilla FireFox for your internet browser. It is a million times better than Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. It has a many plug ins, that can help do many wonderful things. I use 39 plug ins that help me do everything from document a resource with one click in my personal database to creating a scrapbook (saved web pages) for later use, for example, recipes from

If you have questions, do not hesitate to send me and email.