Imbeciles create energy policy!

Warning: Political rant – feel free to express yourself in the comments

Yes, energy is expensive at the moment. The average American is hurting as they are having less disposable income due to increase energy cost. However, energy cost is due to a whole host of reasons none of which are due to lack of capacity of oil drilling sites.

This group of Congressmen and associated lobbyists advocate drilling anywhere there is oil.  How idiotic is that?  The drilling argument is so ramshackle that they do not even try to offer alternative solutions.  If your congressman supports this group, I highly recommend you write him/her to tell them drilling is not the answer.

I will not labour and debate the simple things that can be done to reduce our reliance on gasoline.  I do know that drilling anywhere is irresponsible as much of the oil that remains in the United States is in environmentally sensitive areas.  I value a healthy, clean and diverse environment over $2.50 a gallon gas.  If people think by drilling more gas prices will come down then they are sadly mistaken.  The biggest objection I have about drilling is that with the current cost of oil products, innovation has picked up, and soon you will see demand drop as new technology (electric cars, hybrids, mass transit, etc) will reduce the need for oil.  Should they allow drilling right now, it will take years before the new capacity comes online and it still does not address America’s major problem of lack of refining capacity.  What these stupid rich white men will create is new oil wells in environmentally sensitive areas that once activated will see a completely different market demand than currently exists.  In short, it is incredibly short sighted and driven by factors outside the desire to help the average American.  This is a boldface attempt by the richest companies in the world to pad their bottomline and use a short term difficulty for unethical gain.  Some days I really loathe American politics.

Please take a minute to think beyond the next six months and write your representatives to express your objection to such short sightedness.  Should you wish to discuss energy policy or know more about why this policy is short sighted, do leave a comment for email me.

4 Responses to Imbeciles create energy policy!

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