How do I know when there is a new post?

If you are like me, you do not have time to chase information. You are interested in keeping up with your friends and family by reading their blogs (aka website) but you hate having to visit every week to see if there is new information.  In light of this problem, I have ensured two ways for you to keep up with Books n’ Baby in Bristol without having to remember to visit the site.

The first is RSS (real simple syndication) assures that you can use Google Reader, Sage, My Yahoo or some other type of RSS Feed aggregator. supports all types of RSS.  If you do not read more than 10 websites a week, then this is probably not worth your time to use RSS.  However, if you are like me and you are trying to keep up with information coming from over 150 sources on a weekly basis, RSS is a huge time saver. I have even started doing research via RSS as there are websites that run daily searches for you based on your criteria and then return it to you in readable chunks! It beats going to the library and finding a paper book and photocopying it. It is truly amazing how the internet has revolutionized accessing and using information.

If you use email a few times a week, but are not a heavy web user, then there is the registration which will allow you to sign up for emails telling you of new articles on If you were subscribed to our previous website, Armenian Adventure, then I have taken the liberty to register you for emails. So, if you are receiving this article in your email, then there is nothing for you to do.  To register, simply click the register link Meta section of the menu or the highlighted link in this post.

As always, I highly recommend using Mozilla FireFox for your internet browser. It is a million times better than Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. It has a many plug ins, that can help do many wonderful things. I use 39 plug ins that help me do everything from document a resource with one click in my personal database to creating a scrapbook (saved web pages) for later use, for example, recipes from

If you have questions, do not hesitate to send me and email.

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