Week 27

Week 27 Belly It’s the last week of the second trimester! During this week, the baby’s taste-buds have fully developed, allowing it to actually notice the difference in foods I eat, based on the changes in amniotic fluid about two hours after I have a meal. Hope it likes Mexican and Indian foods, becasue I’ve been enjoying those a lot! Thankfully I’ve had no trouble with heartburn in my pregnancy yet. Auditory development continues to progress, and I’ve been singing more to the little one in recent days. (Don’t tell Jason…he thinks I’m singing to him!)

Something interesting I’ve discovered recently about my anatomy: My belly button is not centered – go figure! Everyone go check their belly-buttons and let me know if this is a universal phenomenon or if I’m just off center.

Week 27 TerraHere I am sporting some new clothes (Christmas gifts from Alan and Dahlene), and a new haircut. Jason says I’ve officially joined the ranks of the ‘motherly’ with this conservative new hairdo.

I’m looking forward to a regular visit to the midwife this week. More routine measurements and bloodwork and another opportunity to hear the heartbeat, yeah!

Week 26

Week 26According to the information I get via daily email from “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”, our little baby has doubled in size in the last 4 weeks, and it sure feels like it! Week 26 brings some exciting changes for the little one. It begins to open its eyes and can react to light changes. At this point, it is approximately 9 inches tall and weighs 2 pounds. Only two more weeks and I’ll be in the third trimester!

More Ultrasound Pictures

Hey everyone. Jason scanned the ultrasound pictures, so you can now view them by going to the top of this page, and clicking on ‘photos’ to enter the photo-album area. From there, click on the ultrasound picture. Then, click on a picture to see a bigger version and read the captions. Enjoy!

Week 24

Week24Some definite growth this week and the baby is getting more and more active. I go to the midwife this Thursday for a regular checkup. Will take measurements and listen to the heartbeat!

Baby enjoyed the Portishead concert last night…Jason and I did, too. It was great, and we were thankful to be able to attend such a rare event.

Week 23

Hi folks! Sorry, no ‘belly picture’ for week 23…my tummy wasn’t feeling so photogenic this weekend. I am continuing to feel good and attending pre-natal yoga classes to work on stretching and strengthening muscles.

Recent changes include a ‘lina negra’ on my lower belly – that’s a dark line that’s common among women at this time in the pregnancy – and, my belly button is starting to pop out! It looks so funny! I’ve outgrown all but one pair of slacks that I brought with me, but have some pregnancy jeans. Will be hitting the shops soon for some roomier shirts. Thanks, Mom, for the ones you sent awhile back…they’re getting lots of use.

Our little baby is over a pound already and the 8 inches in length (size of a standard sized envelope) from crown of the head to rump. It’s moving all over the place and Jason can feel it bopping around in there now.

My next pre-natal appointment is on Thursday the 20th, but it will just be a quick one with the midwife to listen to the heartbeat and take measurements.

Will continue to keep you posted as the baby grows. Love to you all!

Week 22

Week 22It’s week 22 already! I’m starting to feel my back arching when I walk and sit. The belly is a little ’rounder’ this week – I think that might be partly due to the KitKat bars I recently ate….anyhow, back on track and have lots of fruit in this house now. My hips are also starting to slowly change and I now have to sleep with pillows between my knees. Jason jokes that we need to get two big body pillows and lock me into place for sleeping. Although I laugh at this now, it may well become a reality in time!

Ultrasound Picture

Ultrasound PictureHope you can make this out…it’s not so clear since I took a picture of the picture with our digital camera. I didn’t get to a place to scan this week, but hope that you can see this okay. Happy, healthy baby – if you look closely you can see the profile, tummy, arm and hand. Click on the picture to see a larger version.

Successful Ultrasound Scan!

We just wanted to share about our exciting time at the hospital today for a routine ultrasound scan. It was amazing to see the little one in detail and view the appendages that have caused all that bumping around in the womb. Everything is normal and progressing healthily. It took four separate attempts to get the right angle for checking the heart, but the baby finally moved to the right position and the technician was able to capture the beating heart and we saw all ventricles working away. Truly amazing. My favorite part was seeing the tiny fingers and toes! We have some good picture prints from the ultrasound and I will try to get them scanned and posted by the weekend. 🙂

Week 21

TerraWeek21Jason felt the baby kicking yesterday! Monday, I attended a pre-natal yoga class just 15 minutes walk from our apartment. It was nice to spend a couple of hours with other expecting mothers and to have dedicated time for exercise and relaxation. This coming Tuesday, we have a routine sonogram at the hospital, but we’ve decided not to find out the sex of the baby.

Week 20

TerraWeek20I’m still feeling great and enjoying the ever-moving presence of the baby. Movements are still slow and little enough that Jason can’t feel them well yet, but I’ve noticed some strengthening kicks recently. He’ll be able to get in on the fun soon.