Community Success!

Community Service!!In addition to study, as you know I am involved with rugby but additionally I have been volunteering with a community development organisation, Cherry D. Cherry D (said with an American accent is “charity”) uses a technical assistance model to help local community groups improve themselves. This is the same model that Peace Corps used and it is one I believe in. I approached Cherry D as a way to help Bristol and get to know it better. I feel strongly that you should donate a bit of time where ever you live to improving the community. It makes you feel more connected especially if you are not considered a local person.

Cherry D was kind enough to pair me up with an organisation called Changes. Changes is a group for people suffer from anxiety and depression as well as a few other diseases. It uses a 12 step method to help people and try to offset the lack of mental health services from the National Health Service (NHS).

Since January, I have been working Changes to develop a strategic plan and put in place a foundation for organisational growth. Currently, it has three weekly groups but it wanted to grow and push into new areas of the city that are disadvantaged and have a population in need of mental health services. The group is lead by passionate people who suffer from mental health issues but see talking therapy as a way to combat the issues.

I have been working closely with the organisation’s leadership to help the go through an interspective process of deciding how to develop Changes. Part of that process was preparing documents for submission to the Tutor Trust for a grant of £120,000 ($240,000) for three years. I am happy to say that after a few months of hard work and lots of discussion, the Tutor Trust awarded Changes the grant! I am very proud this came together! I did not do much of the work but as an adviser, this is my biggest grant application award to date.

I am very happy I was able to help Changes as through this project I have met some great people and made Bristol a bit more hospitable that it would otherwise be. I am proud to have supported Cherry D in their efforts to help Bristol. At the end of the day, life is about people and investing in others. I am excited to help Changes move to the next level of organisational development. They need a bit of bureaucracy and accountability as part of their organisational culture. They are a young group and it will be exciting to see how these funds help them grow to help more people who suffer from mental health issues.

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