Food for Thought – Political Discussion

Note: This is a political article – Feel free to ignore should you not wish to think about politics.

It is no secret that I am fiscal conservative.  I believe strongly that our government is oversized and inefficient.  The elected officials are not motivated or rewarded for making the needed hard management decisions that would reduce the size of the government.  The following video is from a Professor  Hrebiniak at Wharton.  Obviously, business school professors are financial conservatives.  However, this man does take the stuffing out of the current administration but in the context of the larger political conundrum.  If you are wishing to understand the economic impacts of politics in the current climate, here is a great primer.

By the way, Professor Hrebiniak is a Cornell / SUNY Buffalo alum.  From my research into his background, he is like most of us from the greater New York area.

Additionally, here is an article from the Economist magazine that is short but very much worth a quick read.  My point is that I hope you thinking about what you want from the political process.  I hope you are engaging your elected representatives.  I believe like Professor Hrebinia, an electorate that does not demand better will not receive better.  It is time we address the elephant in the corner and reduce the military industrial complex.  Do we really need 300 Military golf courses, 700+ military bases and the largest standing army in the world?  One only has to look back at the American Revolutionary War to realise he with the biggest gun will not always win.

Hope you like these two bits.  If I have touched a nerve, send me and email or post below.  Debate and discussion is the only way productive change will be introduced.

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