Week 35

Week 35We’re cookin’ now! Up to approximately 5 pounds and 20 inches our little one decided to give up the comfort of lying horizontally and is head down now. I’m continuing to feel good, but understandably a little more tired as the weight of the baby really starts to kick in now. Still out walking around but have neglected my yoga this week, and I can tell the difference. My ankles and knees show signs of water retention, but hopefully another massage, some more walking and a bit more exercise will help alleviate that in the coming week.

Here I am sitting at the computer on my exercise ball. It’s much more comfortable than my desk chair and allows me to move more freely andTerra Week 35 change weight distribution when I get uncomfortable. I think it will be a lifesaver as I work hard to complete my second term assignments by the end of March in preparation for the baby’s arrival.

Thanks to all of you who have sent comments, ideas and tips for using cloth diapers! Keep the information rolling in!  We appreciate it.

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